Creating a Culture of Appreciation

Monday August 1, 2016 comments

There are thousands of books with thousands of ideas about how to appreciate, recognize, or honor people in your organization. So many good ideas. The problem with them is that they are ideas that worked in some other organization that took the time to figure out what worked for them. Though imitation may be the highest form of flattery, it’s not a recipe for creating the best solution for your workplace. One of the top reward or motivation factors for employees is full appreciation. It’s a relatively free or inexpensive... Read More

Team Work for Your Work Team

Monday July 18, 2016 comments

“Teamwork: Cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interests of a common cause.” That’s what says. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m sitting in a gym at Wheat Ridge High School on a JulySaturday afternoon, waiting to watch my teenage daughter and her basketball team play the first of five games in a weekend summer tournament. I’m not complaining. I love being my kids’ dad and I love being in the... Read More

Do It Right the First Time

Tuesday July 5, 2016 comments

Do It Right the Fist Time. Sounds good. Why do rework when it saves time and money to do things right the first time? Why spend money on warranty work, returns, or lost productivity if organizations can prevent all that? People hear the phrase “Do It Right the First Time,” and assume that refers to the output of a person, and perhaps the attitude of that person as he or she approaches work. If work wasn’t done “right” then the worker was at fault. Such an assessment is an after-the-fact evidence of failure... Read More

Who Benefits From Your Benefits

Monday June 27, 2016 comments

Who Benefits From Your Benefits? Back before World War II, few Americans had health insurance. Fewer still received it as an employee benefit. Of course, life was simpler then. Healthcare was relatively medieval, and most people just suffered through all but the most debilitating pain or disease. Back before World War II, few Americans had any kind of employer-provided retirement plan. Of course, life was simpler then. People didn’t live that long because healthcare wasn’t that good. And most died shortly after... Read More

Workplace Conflict

Monday June 13, 2016 comments

Workplace conflict. It happens. We like to think that time will resolve things. Time doesn’t heal; it buries. Left unresolved, issues fester and become apparent later. And when they do it’s usually worse. The biggest mistake most people make is not to try to resolve things. The next biggest mistake people make is to try to assert their rights and force an apology. Ask yourself, “Do I want to be right, or do I want to be effective?” They aren’t always the same thing. When workplace conflict does happen -... Read More

Founder's Syndrome

Monday June 6, 2016 comments

Founders’ Syndrome. At least that’s what I call it. Someone has a great idea, an invention, a new way, a new service. Others join the adventure – partners, employees, investors. At some point one of 2 things can happen: The founder decides that a new leader is needed. Maybe the founder wants to cash out. Often the founder doubts her ability to lead but still wants to hang around in some capacity; Someone else decides that a new leader is needed. Maybe that decision comes from an investor, a partner, or the... Read More

Employee Engagement

Thursday April 7, 2016 comments

Did you know that about $1 billion is spent on employee engagement initiatives annually in the U.S? Did you know that there isnt a lot of proof that its helping the bottom line? Did you know that there isnt a lot of proof that its helping employee engagement? Half a century ago, Psychologist Frederick Herzberg came up with his Motivation / Hygiene Theory, which was basically counter to the conventional wisdom of his day. While others were saying that the same things that motivate employees could also serve as demotivators, Herzberg came up... Read More

Generational Generalizations

By: markweaver Monday August 17, 2015 comments

I have this 19 year old son who likes to quip that when his old man was a teenager surfing in Florida, there was no sand on the beach. Only rocks. Erosion hadnt created sand yet. So when I talk about what life was like when I entered the professional workplace, lets just say it wasnt yesterday. When I entered the workforce in the early 80s, we were toward the end of the Baby Boomer generation. That meant that there were a whole LOT of older baby boomers already in the workforce for 15 or so years, and a bunch of people even older. And even... Read More

7 End of Summer Steps to a Stronger Team

By: markweaver Monday August 10, 2015 comments

Maybe its because Im the dad of a High School athlete, but I find this time of year exciting. Coaches are getting teams to end of summer practices, camps, and workouts all geared to help athletes start off the fall athletic season at the top of their game. Coaches know that the best teams arent made from pure skills alone. Team dynamics, the mental game, coachability all play a huge role in making the best team. Before you hit the bleachers to cheer on your favorite teams, consider these strategies to help the team you work with succeed: ... Read More

A Tale of Two Companies

By: markweaver Monday August 3, 2015 comments

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times It can seem that way when you hire a new employee. Many employers have hired someone who was fine in the interview, not realizing the gem she is until after she starts. Its great when were pleasantly surprised. Many employers have also hired someone who interviewed great, only to find out that when the new employee starts, hes apparently switched bodies with someone else. Its not great when you dont get what you thought you would. How do you determine who will be the next rock star, and then... Read More


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